Celebrate Robert Burns Day

Robert Burns Day is on January 25th. He is the National poet of Scotland.

Here are some ideas to celebrate his birthday.

  1. Read his poetry and listen to some of his music
  2. Provide a monologue from someone dressed as Robert Burns or his wife, Jean
  3. Host a Burns dinner   (for more information click here)
  4. Watch a documentary on Robert Burns
  5. Watch The Loves of Robert Burns or Red Rose movies on his life
  6. Have a bagpiper and/or Scottish dancers in to perform some of his hits
  7. Enjoy a glass of whisky and some Scottish shortbread with his poetry/music

In another post, I will provide a list of some of his best known poems and songs.

https://www.scottishgourmetusa.com/ has a number of resources for a dinner and books of poetry.