
For over seven years I have been an activity director for a busy rehab and skilled nursing facility. In 2021, I completed my activity consultant certification.

I have written several Breath Prayer books and activity guides now available on Amazon. (see my book page for more information)

My career began as a musician and performer which allowed me to transition into the activity fields. It can be both a very tiring and rewarding field. Often I’m able to use my writing, Bible teaching, historical knowledge, music skills and leadership abilities to use in this field.

In addition to being a board certified activity professional and consultant, I am also a certified dementia practitioner and certified Montessori dementia practitioner. I have also taught at conferences on my books and other subjects. (see under speaking tab)

The goal of the Activity Toolbox is to encourage other activities, education and provide ideas and inspire to think out of the box and have an amazing program for your residents. The blog will provide ideas for you to use and I plan to open a store in the near with more in-depth ideas and lesson plans.

I’d love to hear from you. What are your needs?


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