10 Spring Activity Ideas

With spring in the air, what are some fun activities to enjoy? 1.      April in Paris party 2.      Plant a garden 3.      Bird watching or butterfly watching 4.      Decorate with flowers and spring colors 5.      Hold a May Day festival 6.      Have a picnic outside 7.      Spring trivia 8.      Scenic drive to look at the flowers 9.      Lemonade or tea party 10.  Make decorations for […]

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10 Aromatherapy Ideas

Aromatherapy has so many wonderful uses and can help to improve mood, calm when upset or even to relax. So, as activity directors what are some ways we can use aromatherapy with our residents? 1.      Create a sock animal—fill about a third of the sock with rice and add the essential oil. Tie the sock off […]

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10 Ways to incorporate Music and Movement

Music and movement is a great way to encourage the residents to move. Here are some of our favorites. 1.      Scarf dance—using a scarf and make simple motions and movements 2.      Egg shake-give each resident a musical egg and have them shake it 3.      Rhythm sticks—give each resident a set of rhythm sticks and have them drum the […]

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10 Healthy Snack Ideas for Residents

It’s so easy to serve sweet snacks to our residents, but recently ours began to ask for healthier options. It led to exploration of ideas other than cut veggies and fruits {which are great but we need some variety}. These went better than we thought they would and we have now incorporated healthier options into […]

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10 Ideas for Black History Month

February is Black History month. A few ideas include: Trivia or Jeopardy Who is the inventor? Match that accomplishment Map the Underground Railroad Make a timeline of the Civil Rights movement Discuss patterns used in blankets for the underground railroad Make a paper quilt of influential individuals Watch a movie  (Green Book, Selma, etc.) Virtual […]

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14 Valentine’s Day Ideas

With Valentine’s day approaching here are a few ideas. King and Queen pageant Couples dinner  (if you have a lot of couples) Name that Love Song Valentine charades Write a Haiku Reminisce about favorite Valentine’s Day or most romantic thing ever done for them Have a Valentine day tea party Make chocolate hearts or chocolate […]

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